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2020 was a very challenging year for us all, thankfully 2021 with the vaccine and Spring around the corner gives us a vision of hope to the new norm.

After careful consideration and following Government guidelines we took the decision to remain open during the first and subsequent lockdown as many of our customers work alone or from small workshops where they could continue to work in isolation, this was a lifeline for many and we felt it was the right thing to do to offer as much support as we could.

One phone call from a customer who had set up a gofundme page on Facebook to raise money to buy materials for NHS scrubs escalated in us supplying linings all over the country, at one point in one county alone there were 500 amazing women and men sewing night and day to supply desperately needed scrubs, bags etc. We felt it a privilege to be part of such a movement.

We also felt it important to stay open to support our long standing customers by supplying fabric and products for milk and cheese filtration.

As 2021 progresses and we have more news to share we will update this page.

Lees Newsome Ltd 2019